Journey to Self

5 nights, 6 days retreat

Retreat Journey to Self

'Journey to self' is a unique retreat on the island of Curacao of 7 nights 6 days of deep connecting with your authentic self. Unplug and Re-charge. Let go of stress, connect with your powerful self, learn to let go of emotional self sabotage, break away self limitation. Face your fears and your self-limitations,  re-discover your greatness and manage yourself in stillness experiencing to be your best.

Mind-full quality time, in nature salt lake float combined with an amazing resort experience

You will experience Character Building workshops, Happiness workshops, Holistic spa relaxation treatments, Qi Zen awareness, Yoga, Meditation Journalling, Mind-full quality time, in nature salt lake float combined with an amazing resort experience at our Acoya Curacao Resort.

We have all experienced low self-worth, self-judgment, and self-doubt. Understanding your emotions is key to unburdening life’s struggles and stresses and to create the ability to have healthy relationship with yourself. True authentic power comes from alignment with your soul. Being able to re-discover your own truth and essence, know your principles and values, step over your fears and limitations, recognizing your vulnerability and step into your bravery.

Personal experience

Build your own personal experience with the notes to self that we provide during the workshops to reach goals like:

  • Building authentic self with character building model
  • Create space for you to "look inside", self-discovery, be true to yourself.
  • Building self-trust and worthiness
  • Clarity on the direction to life through self-awareness and acceptance
  • The vulnerability of understanding yourself and being authentic
  • Experience Inner Happiness
  • Equipping yourself with meaningful meditative techniques to deal with life’s complex spectrum of emotions
  • Empowered self-communication and connections

We take you into nature to experience in silent where all the answers are. Experience a day hiking in nature in silent and floating at the salt lake. Here you get connected to the core self, sort out your messy mind and come back with a brand new you.

Starting Price:  $3085.39 

Our workshops are fun, creative, active, and colorful with space for all to be their true self.


Every day starts with mindfulness. And the daily workshops give you new techniques, information and intention. In your off time you give all meaning in those moments of quality ’me time’.

Day 1 Who am I  Self 

workshop and meditation

Day 2 Emotional Freedom 

Emotional Freedom Workshop and Breath work

Day 3 Mindful connection with self

workshop and yoga practice

Day 4 Silent day with float on salt lake

Stillness reconnecting mind to self, clarity & Letting GO

Day 5 Grounding Self

Workshop and Holistic grounding spa relaxation treatment

Day 6 Celebrating YOU

Explore your joy, live your inner happiness, Mindful flow and intentions. Your life, your choice, and direction

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